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Civil & Commercial Litigation

Civil and commercial litigation make the world go round. Disputes between landlord and tenant, insurer and insured, debtor and creditor, contracting parties and company stakeholders require careful attention to detail and the ability to accurately articulate your case.  

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

ADR comprises Mediation, Arbitration and Adjudication. Courts determine issues of law and apply law to facts. Court cases can be rigid and rules-driven. ADR explores alternate and flexible ways to resolve disputes by identifying root causes and creative solutions whilst pursuing the core interests of the parties.

Prosecution of Complex Financial Crime

Fraud can cripple your business by negatively impacting its value and reducing its ability to grow. It can wipe away anyone’s years of savings and investment and devastate its victims. Extensive fraud over significant time requires careful analysis of the evidence to prove it. Our team can offer support to your internal investigators and liaise with the police from first detection of possible fraud to prosecution and restitution where possible.

Labour & Employment

Employers and employees have rights and responsibilities under the Labour Code and general laws governing labour and employment. Disputes often arise for failure to follow due process or a general misunderstanding of the duties and responsibilities on each side. From conciliation to IDT we can assist you to navigate the process, whichever side you are on.

Real Estate & Conveyancing

Whether you are buying or selling a house or bare land, letting premises commercially or residentially, have your own lawyer. We can help you find your way to the end of the transaction.

Probate & Administration

Planning an estate usually starts with having a Will in place but there are other simple steps you can take in your lifetime to ensure that things go according to plan after you are no longer alive. We can sit with you and help you identify those steps. After death, we can apply for the Grant your representatives need to administer your estate and help them bring closure and finality to your affairs.


Our services include the following areas:

  • Conveyancing
  • Wills and Deeds
  • Employment and Labour Law
  • Judicial Review

Ready to take the next step?

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    We invite you to give us the opportunity to address your case and the possible solutions even if you do not end up retaining us. We do not ask you to choose us. We ask you to choose the right lawyer.

    Our undivided passion has resulted in us SUCCEEDING IN 90% OF OUR CASES IN 2014.
    We value the story of every person walking through our doors. As we hand select our cases, we take the time to nurture them until they mature and reach a safe shore.

    We create law in our client’s favour rather than just apply the law. Our innovative strategies in court come from our dedication to developing knowledge and connections beyond the courtroom.

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    Visit our Ruthven office.

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    Are you located on the western end?

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    We aim to achieve the right outcome.